too much

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:



liikaa excessively Excessively.

You talk too much.

You ate too much cake at the party, and thats why you feel sick.''

puhekieltä amusing Amusing; entertaining.

Oh, my dear, you really are too much.

A quantity which is excessive to the point of being inappropriate, harmful, or overwhelming.

You expect too much from your employees.

An expression of satisfaction.

Too much, man! That was great!

puhekieltä English too much, excessive, OTT
1995, (w), Les huîtres me font bâiller:
Tu vas gueuler que c'est too much ; que je sors de l'admissible.
: Youre going to yell that this is too much – that I've gone beyond the bounds of probability.''
2013, Emmanuèle Peyret, Libération, 31 May 2013:
Oh ben volontiers un de chaque, mais pas le slip dentelle avec les jarretelles rouges, ça fait un peu too much.
: Go on then, one of each – but not the lace knickers with red suspenders, thats a bit OTT.''


too much rimmaa näiden kanssa:

high tech, hi-tech, sandwich, brunch, kitsch

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